First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announces covid restrictions to ease in Scotland. Plans to open hospitality, gyms and retail will go ahead as originally scheduled on Monday.
Scotland went into lockdown on Boxing Day and will be facing the biggest change since on Monday with hospitality, gyms and non-essential shops opening.
Travel to England, Wales and Northern Ireland for non-essential reasons will be allowed. This will be for the first time this year.
Mainland Scotland will go from level four to three restrictions.
It has been said by Nicola Sturgeon that if the numbers continue to get better, the whole of Scotland will see better days and will move to level two on 17 May. From that day onwards that will allow people to meet indoors in small groups and see rules for hospitality ease even more. Based on the current schedule Scotland should move to level one on 7 June. Then should be completely out of any form of lockdown by the end of June.
Travel restriction between parts of Scotland and other parts of the UK could be brought to the table to help with local outbreaks.
Furthermore, on Monday lateral flow tests will be available to anyone in the country. Order a kit online or pick up a kit at a testing centre within the afternoon or early evening.
The first minister has encouraged all to take advantage of the lateral flow tests, specifically for those planning to visit Scotland’s islands.
In order to be able to visit, it is compulsory to take two tests in total. Test one three days before visiting, and the other one will be on the day. Before a final decision has been made, based on positive results, people are encouraged to take a more sensitive PCR test.
With cases rising infinitely in India, anyone that is travelling to Scotland from India must quarantine for 10 days. This is in managed accommodation in the place where they initially arrive in the UK.
Covid restrictions ease in Scotland – Hospitality, gyms and retail to open from Monday!
As of Monday, it will be possible for Scotland to do the following:
- Meet with up to six people from two households to socialise indoors in a public place (a cafe or restaurant)
- Unrestricted travel across the UK – England, Wales and Northern Island (subject to local restrictions)
- Close contact shops, stores and beauty services to open
- Hospitality venues like cafes, pubs and restaurants to open only until 20:00 indoors, however no consumption or service of alcohol
- Accommodation for tourists to reopen (self-catering accommodation restricted in line with rules on indoor gathering)
- Funerals and weddings, including receptions, can take place with up to 50 people
- Gyms and swimming pools to reopen for use (individual exercise only)
- Indoor tourist attractions and public buildings to open (galleries, museums and libraries)
Also, from Monday takeaways can be collected indoors, non-essential childcare is allowed, non-essential work can be completed inside houses. Driving lessons and tests can all resume again.
Ms Sturgeon said people would be looking forward to doing things they have been unable to do for a long time.
But then added on: “We must remember that the virus we are dealing with now is much more infectious than it was when bars and cafes were last open so it is really important that as we enjoy these new restored freedoms we continue to be really careful and take all of the required precautions.”
The easing of restrictions on 17 May should allow pubs to open in full flow using indoor facilities until 22:30. Also, contact sports and some small-scale events to take place.
From then onwards, meeting indoors will be also eased with up to four people from two households. Other changes included cinemas, amusement parks and bingo halls, alongside other indoor group exercises.
Thank you for reading – Covid restrictions ease in Scotland: Hospitality, gyms and retail to open from Monday!

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