The UK has completed phase one of the vaccine programme, as a Covid vaccination milestone is reached. All people over the age of 50 and those in high risk groups have been offered their first dose before the target date of 15 April.
The top nine priority groups have now all been offered a vaccine. This means the government are well on track to meet their target to offer a first dose to all adults by the end of July. The next group in line for vaccines in England will soon receive invitations to book an appointment.
Figures show that over 32 million people in the UK have received their first dose of vaccine. On Saturday alone, a record 475,230 second doses were administered. This means more than 7.6 million people are now fully vaccinated.
There are now three Covid-19 vaccinations in use in the UK, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna. Although recent announcements stated that UK residents under the age of 30 will be offered an alternative jab to AstraZeneca. This is due to fears over links between the vaccine and rare blood clots.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson sees hitting the target as a “hugely significant milestone in our vaccine programme”. He now aims to progress by completing second doses and moving towards the next target at the end of July.
Health Secretary Matt Hancock is “delighted the team have done such an amazing job” to hit their target early. He believes the tide is turning on the pandemic, as the number of people given the safety of a Covid vaccine is increasing every day across the UK.
Supply is Key to Progression
NHS England estimate an average of 95% of people across the nine priority groups have had their first dose. Although there is no actual data published on the number of people offered vaccinations, only information on those who have received it.
The plan is to continue progress by offering invitations for vaccines to people in their late 40s. However, there have been recent supply issues with the AstraZeneca vaccine, and it is not known whether supplies of the others will be enough to make up for this.
Despite the issues, the government still stand firm on being able to offer all adults a first dose by the end of July. But this statement is qualified as being “subject to supply”.
Vaccines are Safe
People are urged to get the jab if they are eligible and have received an invite for an appointment. Mr Hancock stresses that “vaccines are safe and effective and have already saved more than 10,000 lives”. It is more important than ever for people to get their vaccination, as lockdown restrictions ease and people mix.
The vaccine programme has significantly helped reduce the pressure on hospitals, and enabled the gradual easing of restrictions. The fact the Covid vaccination milestone is reached, is great news, but we are still only half way there. We can’t afford to take our eye off the ball, and need to keep going with the same momentum.
The Covid vaccine programme is being hailed as “the most successful in our history”, with the rate of people vaccinated seen as a “great achievement”. Vaccinations are our ticket out of this pandemic and give hope for the future.
Phase two is expected to start this week, with the aim for every adult in the UK to be offered a first dose of vaccine by 31 July.
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