Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, announced that face masks are no longer required in classrooms from 17th May.
Secondary schools had previously been told to wear face masks in classrooms when they returned back to school in March 2021. Now, with the road map out of lockdown it has come to a stage where there isn’t a need for face masks in classrooms.

Face masks were put in place for safety, however there were concerns on whether the masks will impact communication and learning.
Following Boris’s announcement on face masks in classrooms, he also confirmed that university students are to return to campuses from 17th May. There are survey’s that suggest students have already returned to their term time address.
Many university students have been studying online since January, but will now return to face-to-face learning. Some courses have stopped teaching for this year, and some academic years will be coming to an end.
Lockdown from 17th May
The next stage of relaxing lockdown in England will take place on 17th May. Students at secondary schools will no longer need to wear a face mask in classrooms or communal areas.
Based on everything, Boris Johnson is hopeful that the road map out of lockdown will go as planned.
The Department of education emphasises that not having face coverings will help students and teachers in communicating and learning better. She also went on to state that the infection rate is dropping.
Back to normal at School
Scientists and unions gathered last week sharing a concern of no longer having face coverings in secondary school.
Face coverings are still to be worn in shops and public transports, which they then went on to argue that it shouldn’t be completely ruled out in schools yet.
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