The weather in the United Kingdom reached 24.6 degrees in Kinloss, Scotland, on Bank Holiday Monday. This beats the previous record of 24.5 in Kew Gardens, London on the 30th March.

Despite the highest heat being recorded in Scotland, Edinburgh residents didn’t get to experience it. Portobello beach started was misty and damp throughout the morning, before eventually giving way for the sunshine.
The three day weekend, topped off by blistering Bank Holiday heat, saw sun worshippers across the country enjoy outdoor meet ups with friends and family. People visited beaches, pubs, restaurants and parks as they revelled in the latest restrictions ease.
Whilst enjoying “normality” the coastguard is warning people to be careful when visiting the seaside, lakes and rivers.
. With summer just starting, temperatures will continue to rise. Last year, at its height in July, Heathrow reported temperatures of 37.8. A report in the Daily Mail reveals temperatures will continue to rise this week. Temperatures may reach the 27 degrees by Wednesday which will see Britain becoming hotter than Rome
Storms are brewing after Bank Holiday heat
Like all good things, the heat will come to an end – albeit temporarily.
Becky Mitchell, a Met Office Meteorologist, predicts thunderstorms later this week as cooler air moves in.
She believes the South West will be hit first, with the storms hitting on Wednesday. The wet weather will then move to soak the South East by Friday. Becky believes there is uncertainty in her predictions but the current warm weather and humidity are key ingredients for a thunderstorm.
The storms in the South East, according to Ms Mitchell, are going to be “quite intense”.
The first half of June will mainly warm and sunny, although summer showers will frequent throughout it. However, more unpredictable weather will hit the North West region by the end of June.

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