Hannah Lockhart has Endometriosis. A condition that causes her so much pain and that she has begged the doctors for a hysterectomy at just 23 years old.
Hannah always wanted children, and planned to have them in the next few years with her soon to be husband. However, her life is plagued with heavy periods, infertility and pain that leaves her debilitated.
In the last twelve months, she has been in hospital seven times due to the intensity of her pain. Hannah had emergency surgery last summer, which left her unable to use the toilet alone and put her through early menopause. She now uses a urinary catheter and has to have a wheelchair to leave the house.
Hannah’s early menopause means she is taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) everyday, on top of the morphine she regularly takes for pain management. Due to the severity of her symptoms, Hannah is pleading with the doctors to give her a hysterectomy. The doctors are reluctant. The reason? Hannah’s father believes her age is the biggest barrier.
“Had she been an older woman who already had children – not a problem – they can deal with it in a more aggressive manner.”
Peter Lockhart is pleading for doctors to treat his daughter as an individual, rather than using her age as a reason not to proceed.
What is Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a condition where the tissue that is similar to the lining of the womb grows elsewhere in the body. This tissue builds up each month and bleeds, in the same way as a menstrual cycle. During a period, the blood leaves your body, but the endometrial blood has no escape so causes internal lesions and scar tissues.
For some people, this does not cause any issues. In fact, some people may never know they have it. For others it can be a debilitating condition that leaves them in extreme pain and unable to have children.
There is no known cure for Endometriosis. Treatments can range from painkillers to operations to remove organs affected by endometrial scarring.
Thank you for reading Endometriosis sees bride to be beg for operation !

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