Pet abduction will become a criminal offence in England following an increase in reported thefts during Covid lockdowns.

Currently, the theft of a pet is treated as loss of an owner’s property. But ministers want to bring in a new law that acknowledges the emotional distress it can cause.
A report by the pet theft taskforce, set up to tackle a rise of incidents during the pandemic, lists a series of recommendations. The taskforce consists of government officials, police, local authorities and prosecutors.
Other recommendations include:
- Requirement for more information when registering a microchip, particularly when transferring ownership.
- Better access to microchip databases to make it easier to track stolen or lost dogs.
- Improvement in collecting and recording pet theft data.
- More initiatives to raise awareness and spread prevention tips.
- Measures requiring proof of identity when advertising pet sales online.
- Allowing owners to register their dogs with police.
The current Theft Act 1968 carries a maximum sentence of seven years, but ministers cannot see much evidence of this being used. Generally, the length of jail time is determined in part by the monetary value of the stolen item. At this time it is unknown what the maximum term for the new pet abduction offence could be.
The appeal of dog theft
According to the report, around seven out of ten pet thefts involve dogs, and about 2,000 of them were stolen last year. The findings come from evidence received from animal welfare groups, academics and other experts.
Data from animal charity Dogs Trust shows the price of five of the most desirable dog breeds in the UK grew “significantly” during the first lockdown. Some even rose as much as 89%.
The taskforce suggests it is possible that this makes dog theft more appealing to criminals looking to profit from the rise in demand for pets.
Meanwhile, in the months of March and August 2020 (just after the start of England’s first national lockdown), Google searches for “buy a puppy” increased by over 160%.
Environment Secretary George Eustice says reports that pet thefts are on the up are worrying. Owners should not have to “live in fear”.
But there are a few simple things you can do to help protect your dog from theft:
- Don’t leave it unattended in public.
- Vary walking routes so potential thieves can’t establish your routine.
- Ensure all gates are locked at home, and keep it in sight when out in the garden.
- Try not to show share too much information on social media.
Recognising the “seriousness” of the crime
Officials hope the proposals will make it harder for thieves to abduct and sell pets, as well as easier for police to apprehend offenders. They also want the sentences and penalties to reflect the impact on the animal and their owner.
Home Secretary Priti Patel describes stealing pets as “an awful crime which can cause families great emotional distress whilst callous criminals line their pockets”. Recognising pet abduction as an offence in its own right “acknowledges that animals are far more than just property”. The new laws will also give police another tool “to bring these sickening individuals to justice”.
Chief executive of the RSPCA, Chris Sherwood, is pleased that the new offence recognises the “seriousness” of the crime. He hopes it “will encourage courts to hand out much tougher sentences to pet thieves”. Mr Sherwood also believes that simplifying the microchipping database will help with pet theft, animal welfare and “irresponsible pet ownership”.
Diane James, from the Blue Cross animal welfare charity, hopes new laws are brought in “swiftly”. But she warns that owners still need to continue being vigilant “and follow advice to prevent becoming a victim of this abhorrent crime”.
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