Further UK lockdown restrictions are due to ease on May 17th 2021, with hugging and indoors visits allowed. Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, is due to confirm the details in a upcoming press conference.

In addition to being allowed to hug friends and family, personal contact that thousands of people are desperately waiting for. Health Minister Nadine Dorries warns that, while we have missed the personal contact, we must not get complacent.
A Government science advisor advises to keep hugs selective, brief and avoid face to face contact to a minimum to avoid “a resurgence of the virus”.
This ease of lockdown restrictions is the biggest yet, allowing for more ‘normality’ in daily life. The entertainment sector, such as cinema and soft play venues, will be open again. Pubs, restaurant and the hospitality sector will be opening again too, allowing for a surge in UK staycations.
Those brave enough to fly will be able to. On Friday 8th May, the Government announced 12 holiday destinations put on the ‘green list’. Members of the public returning from these countries, including Portugal, do not have to isolate. However, the travel industry are criticising the government, saying the opening is “in name only”. This comes after major European destinations were put on an Amber list – meaning five days isolation is required when returning to the UK.
The health sector, including groups sport and exercise classes, are re opening. The Government will welcome this move as part of their ongoing campaign to fight obesity. A new campaign has been active since the pandemic began, after the NHS identified a strong link between obesity and Covid complications.
UK Lockdown Restrictions due one more lift
The final ease of UK lockdown restrictions, stage four, is due on June 21st. This step will see all legal limits on social contact lifted. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has suggested some safety measures will remain in place after this date, although not as strict as we are “very close to really turning the corner” on Covid 19 control.
The Government have to be sure that it’s four tests are being met before restrictions can ease any further. These four tests are:
- Evidence that the vaccines are reducing serious illness and death
- Infection rates being under control – not putting pressure on the NHS
- Risk of corona variants not changing
- Successful rollout of vaccinations
The Government are confident these tests are being met, although cautiously warn the rules can change depending on the data. Infections rates are the lowest they have been since September 2020 and hospital admissions seem to be continually decreasing.
Wales are following UK’s lead, with indoor hospitality due to open on May 17th, allowing for up to 50 people at outdoor weddings. Scotland, however, are remaining independent in their restriction rules. Whilst they will ease, it is too a lesser extent than the UK.
The Prime Minister typically notifies the press of his changes a week before. This conference is likely to happen today, and be broadcast across all major news channels.
Thank you for reading UK lockdown restrictions set to lift May 17th !

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