UK scientists have found that the UK’s vaccine rollout is breaking the link between infection and death. Infections have fallen by two thirds, before levelling out in February. However, deaths continue to fall.
The levelling out of infection cases can be linked to the easing of restrictions. The deaths not levelling, or rising, but falling is a light at the end of a dark year.
The Imperial College London, who has been commissioned by the government, is conducting this research. 140,000 people were selected and swabbed to represent the population of England. Within that group, tested between the 11th and 30th March, 227 tested positive. This equates to 1 in 500 people. People over 65 tested at just 1 in 1000 people being positive.
The last time this test was conducted, between the 4th and 23rd of February, 1 in 200 people tested positive. The results show a reduction of two thirds since January, which was due to the UK being in complete lockdown. The recent decrease in cases can be linked to the UK’s vaccine rollout.
Infections most common in children, consistent with Vaccine rollout
The experiment found that the rate of cases declining has stalemated since the schools re opened on March 8th 2021. Infections were most common in primary and secondary school children, aged five to twelve. The infection is least prevalent in the elderly, aged 65 and over, which correlates to the vaccine rollout.
The Government are happy that the rates didn’t increase when the schools opened up again, a fear they all share. Professor Stephen Riley, one of the study’s authors, will be keeping a “close watching brief” as lockdown continues to ease. Further explaining that “the faster the vaccine rollout, the less increased contact will lead to an increase in cases”
More than 5.6 million people have now been fully vaccinated, while 31.7 million have recieved the first dose.
Fresh guidance was issued on Wednesday after a review found a link between Oxford AstraZeneca and a rare blood clot. There is no proof that the jab caused the clot, but the link is getting firmer. Some EU countries have blocked the use of AstraZeneca while an EU medicine regulator has requested that unusual blood clots should be formally placed on the list of side effects.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has urged people to continue getting the AstraZeneca Jab, of which the UK acquired 100 million doses. He tweeted that the jab has already saved thousands of lives and that people should continue to have full confidence in the vaccines.
Thank you for reading Vaccine rollout reducing death from Covid 19 !

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